Everyday Life


Published by Lionkai on Dec 9, 2008 at 2:41 PM
Ok, back to where i last post
Wow, there are just too many photo
I've need to put them as a group
for easy viewing, and it's just so fun, haha

Here's it is, Let the story begin...
We meet at marina bay around 3.30p.m
With a total of 26 ppl
Then we waited for the shuttle bus outside the station
Finally we reached there, "Marina Barrage"
We were splitted into groups
And my group starts from the rooftop first
Here it goes...

We were splitted from here

This is one of the first few photo i've taken
It got a nice curve, a huge structure

Here is more of it
Mega Structure

From the top, you can see the groon roof,
Solar Park, and children playing below

Of course, the bridge itself, view of CBD,
and Singapore Flyer, a totally different view

Not forgetting there is also
people, family, couple

Children Playing

Kite Flying would definitely be the best place now,
after the demolish of our marina south park :(
My Steamboat...

Another place for couple

As for the wildlife, it's still their home

Next is lvl 2, "Sustainable Singapore" showroom
Showcase our history of Resevoir, the land use, etc
In a very fun and intereative way

It also has a model showing us how the barrage works,
and it really works ! lol

Some of the unknown in the showroom

Then, went to ground lvl
There childern playing with the water, its sooo fun...

There's also a statue
But forget to c what is represent...
There's us inside too !!

My SPP group
"Shooting each other"

On the Bridge
"Continue shooting"

Finally, a group photo
There is 26, don't need to count la
Half male, half female, now then i know...

So here's my part of story,
make your trip there now if you have not
It's a nice place, a place of interest after all

Then we take the shuttle bus back to marina bay MRT startion
Where we bid farewell, but for the about 10 of us,
we were hungry, so next is to find food !!!
Decided to go Plaza Singh, eat at the foodcourt there
then some shopping round, and dessert at hong kong restaurant
it's just not that bad lah, food better i think
Talk and joke
Tired day


Not working, at home, but friends from ITE,
now in army, called and ask to go out
Finally meet up, as it's quite a while we meet,
as every time i would be busy working
or with other thing
Went to vivo, walk, shop, bought more shirt
and shoe, spend too much le, omg
then eat and movie
Watch "Bolt", its a nice movie, and bit of touching
Must watch it, cause it's nice, and the dog its a bit too big ba
Right ?


Work, its a holiday, that's mean double pay !!!
Nice day, except rain
ever since i wake up until i finish work
Still, there will be customer to deal with
and a long queue at the smaland, non-stop
poor them, cause its a holiday


That will be today, post photo, blog, blah blah
It's a day for me to organise everything
date, room, work, school, everything
So, cya everyone, raining day.........

* What You Have Outside You
Count Less Than What You Have Inside You *

* If You Want A Thing Done Well,
Do It Yourself *


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