Everyday Life

1 DOWN, 2 DOWN !!!

Published by Lionkai on Dec 2, 2008 at 1:09 AM
Wooo, 1 down, 3 more left
Today had CTPP Drama CA1
Was really a fun one
Duologue, We were paired randomly, draw lot
Team with thomas, total of 6 group
All were give a different script
5-8 min is what we got for our rehersal
Then infront of 2 lecturer and classmate
Produce it !!!

We've got the title "COLD"
A man, A waiting for a subway; another man, B,
comes down into the subway and looks up and down the track.
Then 2 of us continue the script
Not a bad script, but i like the others one
We also did out warm up before the test
and after the test, a mini games

But sad that it's our lecturer Wendy last day,
She had got another assignment
So got to leave us,
But she say actor don't say bye
We only say CYA
Cause we've still got lots of chance to work together
Also, 4 student has left the course :(

We also took a group photo of it,
with our KFC teacher
Sure to miss her, a wondrous and fantasize actor
One more part of life, pieces of memory
Growing up and journey
Really like this class very much
Fun people

CYA !!!

Next is DE, PEEE, EM


DE test for today, hmmm, think, should be, can pass ba, ya
not difficult, but not easy either, lol
After exam had a bit, just a bit of study with
Yi Wen, Xiu Ying, Nicholas, Wei kiong and SiYu

Right now is 7:05, still at T15 de studying area, heavy rain just now,
along with thunder, now outside is dark, drizzling.
Now with Fadli, Faizul, Yoges, Senthil, Jeremy and Shyeful
Study PEEE, along with facebook and Music !!!
Try to learn as much as i could, even if i just learn 1 formula.
That's still something i learn today, right
1 day learn a thing, 365 days = 365.
1 year = 365, 10 years = 365
Not really alot, but if one day can learn a thing,
that's a good thing ;)

Having bit of headace, had panadol. Still the same
Ok, back to DEEE, Cya, happy studying, MUST enjoy it ya !!!

Now it's 12a.m
Reacher home at 10 plus just now,
Eat my mum cooking, it's still the best, yummy

It's really great to have all of you ppl
Everyone i know, everywhere,
school, work, outside, inside, whatever
Different people do different thing,
prospect of life, target, dream
i've learn new thing, knowledge
they way they learn thing
thou it may be nothing as it seem
but it is another skill i've learn
School not only teaches us new thing, skill
knowledge, get to know friends and so on
But it teaches us how to "think"
and "thinking" is a noun,
while "thought" is the past
That's what i've think of right now
haha, lol
Just to say we need to think more
hmmm, think think

Right now right here, don't think i am going to slp
Gotta study for my PEEE, even it's just one more formula i know
Till the sun rise, then to test, endure !!!
And thank Nick and Wei kiong for your support huh

All the best everyone, enjoy your study
and you need to find fun in the thing you do or study
That's what i found today, from PEEE
Wat a fun formula, haha
In that way, i learn and enjoy
Find yours also !!!

Gotta post this now, drag so long, so loso...

* Time Is A Companion Who Reminds Us
To Chrish Every Moment Because
It Will never Come Again. *


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