Everyday Life


Published by Lionkai on Dec 7, 2008 at 12:56 AM
Let's just look into Happy Thing
Today went to Marina Barrage,
In case anyone is wondering what and where it is,
Here is the summary:

Marina Barrage – Home to Singapore’s newest and first-ever city reservoir. Located along the upcoming Gardens by the Bay, the barrage has a panoramic view of the Singapore skyline and also one of the newest tourist attractions, The Singapore Flyer. Singapore’s 15th reservoir, and the first in the heart of the city. With a catchment area of 10,000 hectares, or one-sixth the size of Singapore, the Marina catchment is the island’s largest and most urbanised catchment.

And if you wanna find out more,
Here's the link - http://www.pub.gov.sg/Marina/Pages/default.aspx

It was one of the event plan by my SPP club, SP Photography
If you wanna know about my CCA,
Here's the link  - http://spphotographers.com

Went with a total of about 24 people
And it's just Param and Patricia, the 2P that i know
Meet 3.30p.m at marina bay, rain in the morning i think
There's a free shuttle bus out the station,
which will drive us to the park.
Took a total of 441 photo,
with my Alpha 100
Over there, i meet lots of DSLR user
Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Sony
Overall it's a fun and funny experience
I will tell you more about it and post photo of it
Not now, cause i am just too tired...

So keep a look out for it, Cya, Nite...

*Keep Your Fears To Yourself;
Share Your Courage With Others *


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