Everyday Life


Published by Lionkai on Oct 1, 2008 at 6:51 AM
Ha, went to Expo Robinson Sale on 300908
Afternoon with Luanne Mum and Jia Yi
Shopping Spree !!!
Bought lots of Chocolate, Swiss Liqueur Chocolate
And Pillow, Big one, Finally
Then meet Zhong Ming, thought he
is selling Furniture Next Hall,
But End up sell Men Accessory
inside Robinson Sale Also, lol
Then ZM wants us to eat Dinner together
so eat dinner
Thus making Eddie waited for us,
u know y we are late le ar, haha
Then Went to Vivo to meet eddie
Bought Midnight show, so main while
Had PasteMania, din't know that
Chicken Cheese Salsiccia Was so Nice !!!
Must be my parent fault for not bringing
me to all these place to eat when young. :P
Watched the movie Connected,
Nice and Funny, Good Movie
Got the time Pls watch, worth it
Then waited for Shyan to finish Work
so had a nap again everytime waiting for him, haha
not complain, not complain
Rain for the Whole Afternoon till Midnight
So went to Harbour Mcdonald's to have Breakfast
After Breakfast still rain, so walked a big round
to vivo bustop. Then Home we go...


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